Freedom Syndicate Launch!
This is the official launch of Freedom Syndicate, a blog centered around principles of freedom, voluntarism and individualism, as well as how these principles apply to political and social issues.
A syndicate is a collection of people who voluntarily self-organize in pursuit of a common goal. In this case, that goal is the advance of liberty. This blog is about applying timeless principles of self-determination and liberty to the modern world with all its advancements and intricacies. We should not strive to turn back the clock to a freer time as some wish -- we should strive for a future better than either the past or the present.
A syndicate is a collection of people who voluntarily self-organize in pursuit of a common goal. In this case, that goal is the advance of liberty. This blog is about applying timeless principles of self-determination and liberty to the modern world with all its advancements and intricacies. We should not strive to turn back the clock to a freer time as some wish -- we should strive for a future better than either the past or the present.
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