Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Big Business and Big Government

There's a good post over at Samizdata.net about big business and government, and how they work together in a very un-libertarian way (link here). One appreciates posts like this after having to explain to the thousandth person that being for free markets is not the same as supporting corporate welfare and the entire "K Street" system of cronyism, power and influence in business.

Those who support free markets and oppose forceful government interference in people's consensual economic agreements do not just oppose the laws that hurt businesses, such as minimum wages and the myriad regulations on industry, but also political favoritism and corporate welfare. Without the government doing favors for big businesses, there would be fewer overbearing big businesses and a healthier atmosphere of open competition where smaller businesses could more easily challenge entrenched giant corporations. The post on Samizdata has some good links about these topics, so check it out.


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