Thursday, November 03, 2005

Bush Flees To South America, Vowing Never to Return (Just Kidding)

Today, Bush started a tour of Latin America that will include bilateral talks with a handful of nations who are largely critical of Bush (links here and here). In anticipation of Bush's arrival in Mar Del Plata, Argentina, city officials are "hunkering down" in anticipation of widespread anti-Bush violence. Like an arriving hurricane, Bush will be met with boarded up windows and mass disarray as people from all over Latin America protest his presence, policies, and hegemonical American domination of the Western Hemisphere.

No doubt security will be extremely tight at all Bush's stops, and there doesn't seem to be any indication Bush will be making public appearances. These mass protests have become very common whenever Bush travels abroad, as opponents of the occupation of Iraq and Bush's aggressive foreign policies descend on any city unlucky enough to host the President. It seems there is no longer anywhere the president can go where he is not protested and despised, since the invasion of Crawford by Cindy Sheehan's "Camp Casey" (what ever happened to her, by the way) and the constant presence of pro-Roe v. Wade and anti-war protestors in Washington. No reason to let the man get a good night's sleep as long as he's killing people overseas and shredding the Constitution here at home, so I say keep up the good work.


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