Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Lott Nails It

I never thought I would say this, but Trent Lott has hit the nail right on the head. Earlier today on Hardball, Lott was questioning Rove's involvement and his influence in determining policy in the White House, saying that maybe Bush should consider getting some people in his administration who know about governing and do not base all policy decisions on political considerations (link here, with video).

This brings to mind the classic Ron Suskind article from Esquire magazine, in which Rove's huge influence in the White House and his position in determining a great deal of policy is described in great detail. Looks like as Bush's position of power weakens a little, the Republicans are taking the chance to voice concerns about his administration they had never dared let out. This could get very interesting. Check out the Suskind article here.


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